In life, we all want something one time or another. It's human nature. Sometimes our objectives can clash with other people, thus causing turmoil and anguish in our life, but if we can balance what we want and the wants of others, we may be able to reach a state of bliss.
In improv, there's this teaching method for scenes called CROW. That stands for Character, Relationship, Objective, and Where. Each in their own respect has significant power in a scene. None of them can survive without the other, but for this blog observation, let's take a look at Objective.
In an improv scene, objective is "the clash or synergy of different characters' motives--the blood of the scene." What the hell does that mean? Well, in other words, objective is what each person wants in the scene, giving them motive for action. In a scene, it's important to identify what the objective of all the players are on stage, especially your own. When this is achieved, the richest scenes can come alive on stage, and the audience appreciates it. Imagining the audience once again as a reflection of culture, we can see more into human nature.
A funny thing about human nature is that we see things from one perspective--our own. We don't see into the minds of others, and thusly, empathy is vital in the connections to other human beings. To live a truly happy life we need to try to always be aware of what others are feeling and thinking. And even more importantly, we need to know what we are thinking. I know, that sounds ridiculous, but it's true. To live a rich life, we need to know who we are and why we do certain things. In a Buddhist perspective (I'm not Buddhist, but the human life insights are brilliant), observing our self as another person can be beneficial to human life. Woah, I know, I threw a metaphysical idea out there, but what if we did do that? If we saw ourselves as other people and identified our motivations and inspirations? This, combined with the awareness of others' perspectives, can lead to a powerful result. Know your objective--know the objectives of others.
Human Life: Empathy towards ourselves and others is important in a foundation for living a full life.
Insight: In our society, people only tend to see from one perspective.
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